Monday, April 03, 2006

Vegas baby!

That was my wife's tag line for our 10th anniversary trip to Las Vegas for the Construction Specifications Institute's National Convention. If you follow my other blog, The Accidental Leader, you know a little more about the organization & the convention.

The week started out poorly - my wife had meetings all day Saturday. I tried to get housework done, but with all 3 kids at home, it was a little difficult. Then, I had a stomach bug Saturday night which kept me down most of the day Sunday. When we got home from the home inspection Monday afternoon, we had much work to do. Somehow, we got the work done, got the kids to school Tuesday morning and got to the airport on time Tuesday afternoon.

We then sat in the terminal for an hour waiting on our plane's turn to come up in Chicago - there was fog & low ceiling, so 1 runway was closed. Got to Chicago, our connection was on-time, contrary to what we were told by the United staff. Got on the plane to Vegas & sat on the plane for 2 hours waiting on our turn to come up in Vegas - weather problems again. Needless to say, all passengers were a little testy.

Finally got checked into the hotel around 11 PM, which felt like 2 PM with the time change. At 3:30 AM, our daughter called saying our 6 year old son was throwing up. My wife spent the next hour or so on the phone trying to get the babysitter relieved early since he couldn't go to school. Sometime on Wednesday, my mother-in-law arrived to relieve the babysitter.

Thursday morning started out with a call saying our daughter, with the broken ankle, had tripped coming down the steps outside our house & landed on the casted ankle. The school had called, she was in real pain & needed to be picked up. My wife spent a large amount of time that day trying to get a hold of doctors to determine if x-rays were needed.

Friday was the last straw - all 3 kids + mother-in-law were sick & throwing up. We got my wife on a Southwest flight home.

The time we had together was great, the convention was good, but all the problems with the kids was a huge downer!