Monday, December 17, 2007

Story idea

My wife loves Christmas music. I have about 4 cd's that I listen to over and over again on my iPod during the season. One is Jimmy Buffet's Christmas Island. While listening to it the other day, an idea for a short story or novella came to me.

What if Santa only uses his sleigh through the northern part of the Northern Hemisphere? What if when he gets to the Caribbean, he switches off to a canoe or boat of some sort?

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Random Ramblings

This may seem like an incoherent rant, but its really a bunch of random ramblings.

Its Sunday evening & the Ravens are getting their asses completely kicked by the Colts on Football Night in America - how stupid is it for NBC to call their weekly broadcast that? Anyway, I expected this last Monday when the Ravens hosted the Patriots, but somehow, the Ravens damn near won that game & then decided not to show up tonight. Its 44-7 with 6:31 left in the 3rd & the Ravens just signaled a fair catch off a punt.

That game Monday night was great until the vaunted Ravens defense decided to act like spoiled little girls, especially Bart Scott, earn a bunch of penalties & piss away the win. Then, they completely showed their collective asses by saying how the refs stole the game from them, thus earning about $70K in fines from the league. Way to be classy, Ravens.

My friend Carlie is a huge fan, born & bred in Baltimore. She & I argue about the team - I say they suck & she says they don't. Believe me, they suck. I'm still a fan, but I have to call it like it is.

This weekend was spent in a state of flurry. At 3:15 PM Friday afternoonm, I recieved an e-mail stating the cub scout pack meeting for that night was being cancelled because of weather. It was raining & might threaten to freeze when the sun went down, but who knew? I had to feverishly call some parents & send out an -emial hoping I could get in touch with tall.

It was also my office's "First Friday" office meeting & happy hour. I had a few beers, listened to the bosses & chatted with some compadres. I was home by 7 or so. Wife didn't feel like cooking, so I had the liquid dinner. At some point, wife realized that son did not have a tie to wear the next day for his First Reconciliation. She & son ran out in search of tie. I passed out & somehow got the other 2 to bed.

This blog post is flaming out & so am I. Good night.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


A post 2 days in a row - this is impressive!

I'm very proud of myself this morning. If you happen upon my blog & are extremely adept at using html tags & other such web page design codes, keep moving. This is not for you. If you are somewhat technologically savvy, but can't program html, keep reading. This might help you.

I am a college sports fan. Especially football and basketball. I grew up in Fayetteville, AR, home of the University of Arkansas and attended Mississippi State University. I was at State when the SEC expanded to include Arkansas and South Carolina. Needless to say, I am a huge SEC fan. Since State is very strong in baseball, I guess you can include baseball to my fandom list.

I spent 5 years following graduation practicing in Jackson, MS, so I read the Jackson newspaper The Clarion-Ledger on a daily basis. Its the best way to keep track of State's sports teams. Their State beat writer is one of the best we've had recently. I suspect he won't last long but will move up to a bigger paper, just like the last one did. Both this one & the previous one have blogs which I read and occassionally comment on. There is a small group of probably 12-15 regular contributors to Kyle's blog.

Several weeks ago, someone illustrated how to use HTML code to post links, like I did in the paragraph above. At the time, I didn't write the directions down & now, I'm unable to find that post and comment. So, I Google searched & found this site which I used successfully for the first time this morning in a blog comment about State's bowl game opportunities. Hence, I'm very proud of myself this morning!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Mother of sons

I love my wife. Since leaving her job this past summer, I love her even more. She has been truly happy for the first time in several years. If there was any doubt the impact of that negative work environment on her, it has been erased by her happiness, her attitude and the things she's done for our children, for herself & for me in the last 6 months.

Still, things happen that make me laugh. Just now, she was taking our 3 kids and 2 friends to the library. Our 2-1/2 year old had gone outside ahead of my wife. He fell down our front steps. I heard him crying & looked out the 2nd floor window. My 11 year old daughter had him & he seemed fine, just scared. She's yelling for mom & I hear my wife say, "is he bleeding?" Spoken like the mother of 2 sons!