Monday, January 30, 2006

Circular toddler logic

Yesterday was Sunday, so we went to our usual 9:30 AM Mass. This Mass is held in the "lower church" or the former parish hall fitted out with altar & folding metal chairs for Mass. We like it because the Contemporary Folk Group provides the music & they are fantastic.

Anyway, the space utilizes a more contemporary 3-sided seating design - there are 5 rows with a center aisle directly in front of the altar & then 7 more rows perpendicular to the altar on each side. There are also traditional wood pews against each wall. Between the seating arrangement & dodging various columns, there are triangular shaped areas of no seating at the intersection of both perpendicular sections with the center portion.

Mass has been a treat since my youngest, who turns 1 this week, began to crawl & now walk, instead of sleeping through Mass. Yesterday, he had a sippy cup with him. This particular cup design is fatter at the top than the bottom. Therefore, if you lay it on its side & bump it, it will roll in circle about 3' in diameter. This is the game the baby was playing yesterday at Mass. We were sitting near one of the triangular open areas on a pew. He was crawling fairly freely in the open area. At first, he merely bumped the cup & it, of course, rolled away from him. After a couple of times of this, he figured out what was going on & then it became a game to him to make the cup roll away so he could crawl after it!