Monday, January 23, 2006


I like Country music for a number of reasons. First, most of it has an honesty that you don't find in a lot of other music. I mean what's honest about rapping about the N word & degrading women? What's honest about singing about partying & drugging which is what rock stars are supposed to do? Hey, I grew up on Van Halen, but as a 35 year old, its not the same.

Phil Vasser sings a song "Just Another Day in Paradise" about getting the milk out & its sour, the washing machine breaking, being late for work, the kids having nightmares. That's been my life lately, but I would not change one thing. I have a beautiful, funny & intelligent 9 year old daughter, a funny, sly and smart 6 year old son & a handsome and charming 1 year old son.

Its the baby that's been a challenge lately. He's been to the doctor 3 times in 2 weeks. With the other 2, the first winter was always the worst. He's had 2 ear infections & a case of bronchiolitis in the last 2 weeks. We picked him up early from day care Friday with a fever. My wife had a meeting Saturday morning , so I was at the pediatrician's with him at 9. That was an adventure in itself. I had to call for an appointment starting at 8:30. The nurse asked how soon could I get there? At 8:35, my daughter is the only one dressed & we live a solid 25 minutes away. I gambled & said we'd be there by 9!

Its funny, several people saw me, the only adult with 3 kids & commented on me having a "hand full." And the big kids were being PERFECT. They were playing & laughing & taking care of themselves. And helping with the baby when I asked. According to my wife, no one has EVER said that to her! Is it a hand full if its a dad & 3 kids, but normal for a mom to have the 3 by herself? That makes no sense to me. I mean, if my wife has something going on, either personal or professional, I don't "babysit," I take care of my children. What century is this?

Anyway, the scary part for the baby is its the end of January & in Baltimore its one of the warmest January's on record. How bad is February & March going to be?!?! His older bro was one ear infection away from tubes. The dr told us one more & then April arrived & he hasn't had one since. Do I get to spend part of March in the hospital while the baby has tubes in? I hope not!