Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Proud parenting moment or what the ????

My 6 year old son's birthday is January 9 - right on the heels of all the holiday madness. As he's gotten older, its been more & more difficult to execute a party anywhere near his actual birthday. We always celebrate it on the day - whatever he wants for breakfast & dinner, open his presents, cake, etc. This year, I took him to Arenacross the weekend after his birthday. Couple years ago, we had a party with his friends from pre-school in March. Had a blast, but got funny looks from parents when they asked what day his birthday is & we answered January 9th!

He's been wish-washy this year about where to have the party, flip-flopping between a volunteer fire house, Chuck E. Cheese's and a gymnastics gym where he had it last year. He finally decided on the gym & my wife & he made out the guest list last night. He has invited 3 of his older sister's friends who happen to have younger brothers -2 of which aren't in his grade, but are a year older. This has caused a numbers problems & he has stuck to his sister's friends over several friends from his own school! Proud parenting moment or what they heck is he thinking?