Saturday, December 30, 2006

State hoops

I am a huge college basketball fan. I will watch virtually any game any time during the season. Growing up in Arkansas, I remember Sidney Moncrief, U.S. Reed & the others paving the way for Nolan Richardson & co. to win it all in 1994. The home games I missed while attending Miss State can be counted on 1 hand, with fingers left over. The tickets were free to students & the coliseum is across the street from the Architecture Building.

After 7-1/2 years in Baltimore, MD, I finally had the chance to watch my alma mater play basketball within driving distance. I drove about 1 -1/2 hours down to Fairfax, VA & watched the Bulldogs play George Mason University. I loved every minute of it, even though we lost by 4. GM is a seasoned & extremely well-coached team. State is far more talented, but when there are 3 freshman & 2 sophomores on a court with juniors & seniors who played in the Final Four last season, you guess who comes out on top.

A 4 point loss is probably a good showing. 2 days before New Year, GM had about 8,000 fans in attendance. To our credit, there were about 200 of us in maroon & white. There apparently was at 1 other Orioles fan, who shouted "O" during the National Anthem. If you don't get the joke, I'll try to fill you in later.

Anyway, we had flashes of great play & flashes of 3 freshman & 2 sophomores playing. We turned the ball over at key junctures, but also came up with 9 blocks. We out rebounded GM by 5, but watching the game I would have sworn we were out rebounded. The box score I saw doesn't break out offensive v. defensive rebounds, but I would estimate they beat us by 5 in strictly offensive rebounds.

State had the most talent on the floor by far. If these guys stay together till the sophomores are seniors & the freshman are juniors, they can make some noise in the SEC & NCAA tourney. As is stands today, we will lose probably 75% of our SEC road games, rally late in the season to finish at .500 & win a couple in the NIT. I doubt this team can get their shit together to make the Big Dance. Their point guard is too selfish. The true freshman who plays some point is more of a shooting guard. The center is 6'-9" & only 195. He plays tip drill instead of grabbing rebounds. Any team with a true big man will eat us alive in the paint.

They will be fun to watch, no doubt about it, but we will not hang with the elite in the SEC. And, we showed today that we can't make the big runs to bury teams & quiet their crowds.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

This, that & the other

As luck would have it, I've had the opportunity to chat with the founder of our firm on a couple of occasions recently - at the coffee pot, in the elevator, that sort of thing. I think he's been seeking me out as well, so that's pretty cool.

Soccer season is winding down. My 6 year old's team is probably just under .500, but with under-8 Catholic Youth, you're not really supposed to keep score. My daughter's under-12 team is at .500 (4-4) after today's game. She has yet to score a goal, but came VERY close today. She's not very quick on her feet & that causes some issues, but she leaves it all on the field, so I can't ask for any more than that. By the way, I'm part of a 3-headed monster that coaches. The "head" coach grew up in Baltimore & won a soccer National Champioship at CCBC Essex in college. Head is in quotes because we're really all equal. Then there's me, who learned everything I know about soccer from him. We're both firey at practice & on the side lines during games. The third is the straight man who does the substitutions during games. Its a nice setup, but only happens every other year - the other two's daughters are a year older than mine, so they move up a league next year.

Funny thing about this team - we dominated the first game 5-0 then lost the 3 of the next 4. Now, we've won 3 straight. If I'm remembering correctly, the last team we lost to was the team we beat today. Lost 1-0, won today 1-0. Pretty evenly matched teams. Our girls are starting to get it, working as a team, talking on the field, helping each other out. I wish the offense worked a little more like a team, but maybe that'll come.

My wife briefly considered changing jobs in October, but decided to stand pat. The position she was considering was in admissions at the college where she works now. It was a part-time position. Ultimately, the decision came down to getting some support & some changes from her current VP & not wanting to work for the other VP. I didn't really care which job she took, I just want her to be happy.

Gearing up for a trip to Disney. We're flying out Saturday 11/11 & returning Sunday 11/19. My mother-in-law has a time share in Orlando so she's taking care of the accomodations & park tickets for the grandchildren. It should be about a $3000 trip for us by the time we bought our plane ticks, rent a care, eat, drink, do the parks. Of course, it would have been easily $1000 more if we had to cover room.

My promotion will get announced on Tuesday. They had to wait until November for some reason. It'll be effective on Wednesday, 11/01.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Promotion at Work

Architects are a funny breed. We are notoriously poor at managing our businesses. There are as many organizational forms as there are architectural firms. Many utilize titles such as associate, senior associate, associate principal. In some firms, those titles are essentially meaningless until the word "principal" comes into play. I used to work for such a firm. When you were licensed and showed some sort of loyalty to the firm, you were made an associate. In a firm of 250 people, all but the most junior people were either associate or above. It was a meaningless title.

My current firm has no such issues. Associate is only bestowed on those who are committed to the craft of architecture and to the firm as a whole. They are those who are on the track to bigger and better things with the firm and the principals recognize that. Associates are seen as the leaders of the firm and are expected to take a larger role in management of the firm. Each year, only a handful of people are promoted and it occurs in the fall following the principals retreat.

On Thursday, the two principals I work most closely with took me out to lunch. I have been promoted to associate after only one year the firm. It is quite an honor and I am humbled by the trust put in me. I knew this was the right firm for me from the start, so being recognized by the principals in this way, cements that this is the right firm for me. More importantly, I have only worked with three of the seven principals and they are the most junior principals at that. I have tried to get to know the other principals, mostly for political purposes, but apparently, they see my contributions anyway. The two did recommend that I seek out the founder and president of the firm and get to know him a little better. That's my task for the fall!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Its Been Awhile

Its been about 6 months since I posted. Somethings have happened recently that might hopefully help me post more often.

Over this past Labor Day, I took my now annual trip to Arkansas to ride motorcyles with my family. Here are some shots I took....

View of the Buffalo National River from the low water bridge
Ponca, Arkansas

Another view from the low water bridge of the Route 43 bridge

Ponca, Arkansas

Someone's private covered bridge

Ponca, Arkansas

The Newton County Library

Jasper, Arkansas

These images are were I grew up. I actually lived in Fayetteville, Arkansas, some 70-80 miles away, but I attended camps & vacationed in these areas. The Newton County Library is one of the first buildings I worked on the design of that I can actually trace through construction. The finished product is quite different from the drawings I remember, but it serves its purpose.

Our Boy Scout camp was Camp Orr on the Buffalo National River not far from Ponca. We would usually stop at Ponca on our way camp. My troop also frequently canoed the Buffalo in the spring. 20 years ago, the Rte. 43 bridge in the background was under construction. The only way through Ponca was across the low water bridge. In the late spring, it was a coin flip whether you could cross or not.

This past trip, the 2nd annual birthday present from my parents, was different from the first. My mom & I discussed our souls more than before. My uncle who lives in Kansas City & mets us for these rides, is, as mom says, a walking time bomb. I can't remember the exact details, but 10 years ago he had some seizures & a brain surgery that affected his personality. Up to then, he was a holy roller. He's more calm about that now & much better to be around. His doctors do NOT want him riding motorcycles because of the anti-seizure meds he's on. He will eventually drop dead one day, sooner than he should. These trips remind him of his younger days & better times.

For my mom & dad, they remind them of when my sister & I were little, dad on the Honda 175, mom on the Yamaha 125, sister on the Honda 85 & me at 5 years old on the Honda 50, tearing the trails around Russelville, Arkansas.

For me, they allow me to reconnect with family, friends & remind me of who I am. I remember in college one summer, I had a very serious, very physical relationship with a young woman who grew up in southern Arkansas & hated it. She could not wait to graduate from UofA & get the hell out of the state. I was attending college in Mississippi & could not wait to get back home. A turning point was reached on a trip to Eureka Springs, AR one Sunday afternoon. I took her to the top of the Crescent Hotel & pointed at the beautiful green mountains all around & proclaimed that this is who I am & this is where I intend to live. We parted, forever, when I returned to Mississippi in August. I was 22 years old. I graduated from college just short of my 24th birthday & have not lived in Arkansas since. That's going on 14 years. I often think about Jen when I'm home & what might have happened had I known then what I know now.

When I graduated, there were few jobs for intern architects in Fayetteville, Arkansas & all were gobbled up by graduates of the UofA. I chose to stay in Jackson, Mississippi, met my future wife, married & moved to Baltimore where we raise our 3 kids. I loved Jen then, but I love my wife much more now. I have no regrets & this is where I want to be, but I feel the pull to return each year, ride motorcycles through the Ozarks & hopefully one day, spend a summer there with my children, showing them where & how I grew up.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Vegas baby!

That was my wife's tag line for our 10th anniversary trip to Las Vegas for the Construction Specifications Institute's National Convention. If you follow my other blog, The Accidental Leader, you know a little more about the organization & the convention.

The week started out poorly - my wife had meetings all day Saturday. I tried to get housework done, but with all 3 kids at home, it was a little difficult. Then, I had a stomach bug Saturday night which kept me down most of the day Sunday. When we got home from the home inspection Monday afternoon, we had much work to do. Somehow, we got the work done, got the kids to school Tuesday morning and got to the airport on time Tuesday afternoon.

We then sat in the terminal for an hour waiting on our plane's turn to come up in Chicago - there was fog & low ceiling, so 1 runway was closed. Got to Chicago, our connection was on-time, contrary to what we were told by the United staff. Got on the plane to Vegas & sat on the plane for 2 hours waiting on our turn to come up in Vegas - weather problems again. Needless to say, all passengers were a little testy.

Finally got checked into the hotel around 11 PM, which felt like 2 PM with the time change. At 3:30 AM, our daughter called saying our 6 year old son was throwing up. My wife spent the next hour or so on the phone trying to get the babysitter relieved early since he couldn't go to school. Sometime on Wednesday, my mother-in-law arrived to relieve the babysitter.

Thursday morning started out with a call saying our daughter, with the broken ankle, had tripped coming down the steps outside our house & landed on the casted ankle. The school had called, she was in real pain & needed to be picked up. My wife spent a large amount of time that day trying to get a hold of doctors to determine if x-rays were needed.

Friday was the last straw - all 3 kids + mother-in-law were sick & throwing up. We got my wife on a Southwest flight home.

The time we had together was great, the convention was good, but all the problems with the kids was a huge downer!

Friday, March 24, 2006


At the exact moment I got on a conference call this afternoon, my wife called to tell me we got the house! No real changes to the contract, except the settlement date is a little strange. We wanted to close April 26, but for no particular reason other than to get 'er done. The sellers are an elderly couple who are buying a house from their daughter. The daughter has a new house lined up but there needs to be a weekend when they can all move. They wanted to set the closing for May 15, but I don't want to pay the taxes for 16 days in May. We haven't yet agreed on the settlement date, but we signed the contract & set it back just to get the house off the market. If we have to eat a little more interest, so be it.

Inspection is 4 PM on Monday!

house hunting

Warmed back up to the 'hood on the 2nd house, but missed the contract by less than 1 hour. We were on our way to my wife's office to sign our contract when our agent called the seller's agent. The seller's agent was recieving the signed contract at that moment.

Worked out for the best though because last night we looked at one a pitching wedge golf shot from my buddy Ed's place, which is in the exact area we wanted to be. We signed that contract last night & bumped the asking price up $6K. We hope to heard something today. I think our agent is nervous about the timing because of our trip next week. I assured him that if we need to do the inspection Monday, I'd make time at work to be there for it!

Say a little prayer for us, I've been saying several myself!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Checking in

Been a while since I posted... Since the last post, Mom & Dad visited for a long weekend, Mare broke her ankle, we started the house search, we put in a contract on a house, it was rejected, we found another, we've gotten turned off to the neighborhood, we're warming back up to the neighborhood and I was on the interview team for a forensic medical lab here in Baltimore. Whew! I'm tired & we go to Vegas next week! I hope to rest some there, but I doubt it'll happen!

Nice visit with Mom & Dad. They flew in LATE Friday night & flew back out EARLY Wednesday morning, so they stayed almost a week. They kept the kids while we met with a realtor on Saturday. We did family photos Monday evening. I had much work to do, so I worked Monday & Tuesday evenings from home. Monday, they chaperoned Mare's field trip to the Museum of Industry downtown. Tuesday, they did Munchkins for Moms at school & then took the big kids to Port Discovery & had a blast!

Hired a realtor - real nice guy named Randy, relatively new to real estate, but seems to know his stuff. We looked at several houses Tuesday night while M/D kept the kids. Didn't see much then, but saw a couple of good ones on Friday night & then fell in love with one on Sunday night, while Leslie kept the kids. Put a contract in Sunday night around 9. The seller's agent called Randy & said he was taking our contract over to the sellers that night. I got pumped because this house is beautiful. 10:20 PM Randy called & said the other offer was well above our's plus it had an escalation clause meaning their offer would automatically go up should our's have been higher. Let them have it! The asking price was $249,900 & we offered $249,000. I felt that was over-priced by $10-15,000. More on that later.

Last Thursday, a kid grabbed Mare from behind while playing Capture the Flag in gym class. They both went down, he got a demerit & Mare got a small fracture in her ankle. Went to the ER at St Joe's Thursday afternoon & they took x-rays & sent us to an orthropod Friday. He put her in a hot pink cast for 4 weeks. Good Friday we go back to see him & hopefully the cast comes off. She's a trooper, but school days are beginning to take a toll. Doc said she could put weight on it as is comfortable & I think she puts too much weight on it. Should be exciting.

Monday, I was on the interview team for a new forensic medical center here in town. It was a DGS interview, so its a crap shoot whether we won the job or not. I think we did a good job & I'm glad to have the first interview with the new firm under my belt. I think the next one will go more smoothly although the boss came by yesterday afternoon & said I did a great job in the interview.

Took a 2nd look at a different house last night. Had Randy write a contract, but we haven't signed it. Got nervous about the neighborhood. Wife went by last night at 10:00 PM & felt there was a little too much vehicular traffic for that time on Monday night. I'm going by around 9 tonight to check it out as well. Wife talked to a co-worker today who used to live in the area. He liked it & said the traffic is because there's only 1 way into & 1 way out of the 'hood. Makes sense. We found some internet articles on some apartments nearby that were less than flattering. We're slow playing this one, so we'll see.

We fly to Vegas for the CSI convention Tuesday afternoon. Part of me can't wait, but part of me is also exhausted! More on that later....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Had my 90 day performance review at work 60 days too late. That seem to indicate to me that all is going well. I was surprised by the love-fest that ensued. At my other firm, the 2 partners had kind of an unplanned good cop bad cop routine. The one principal I think thought she had to say some negative things in order for it to be constructive. She is a negative person, so it fits. I expected similar because of the 2 personalities I'm dealing with - the principal I work closest with being the bad cop.

No such issue - he started by saying he is 110% pleased with the work I'm doing! It went up hill from there. I hope to make associate this summer when they review promotions. I also hope to make more interview teams & assist more with marketing. On Monday the 20th, we're interviewing for a job with a local university who's recently been a client of mine. That same client has another project coming out later this year, plus another client of mine has a building coming out this summer that we are positioning ourselves for. We have a building there under construction & the young architect handling CA is doing a bang up job. Combine that with my 2 buildings for that client, & we look on paper like a formidable team.

Big thing I need to keep my eye on is the soft marketing. Making sure when the student center at our WVa client comes out, we know about it 6 months ahead of time. Make contacts with my other clients & see what they have coming out, that sort of thing. Both principals agreed that I'm posititioning myself with the firm to be in line for a principalship in the future, which is exactly my goal!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Father/Daughter Dance

Just got home from the Girl Scout's Father/Daughter Dance. This is our 4th as my daughter is in 4th grade. I marvelled this year at how young & small the 1st grade girls look compared to my big girl. She's grown up & is so beautiful its hard to imagine...

We had a blast as usual. My best friend is the DJ & his daughter is in 5th grade. We dance a little, chat a lot, generally have almost as much fun as the girls! The highlight this year is the High School Musical soundtrack. Imagine 50 girls, ages 6 to 12, all singing and dancing in unison to a movie they've all seen at least 10 times. My friends & I can't believe that not only has every single girl seen it, they all know the dance moves and words to all the songs. Incredible!

Couple of funny things happened - this a Catholic school & Ash Wednesday was this past Wednesday. Most Catholics fast from meat on Friday's during Lent. The out-of-touch moms who organized the dance served spaghetti & meatballs Friday night! I let my daughter have the meatballs & I had just spaghetti with no sauce, although I think they had a meatless sauce. I'm not big on red sauce to begin with & then if it doesn't have meat in it!

Secondly, my buddy the DJ & his ex-wife LOVE to dance. They are quite good at it as well, ball-room type dancing with lots of movement. Anyway, he was teaching his daughter to dance more than the usual round & round in circles like the rest of us were doing.

Lastly, one girl whom I've coached at basketball & is a real sweetheart told me I dance better than her dad! I felt honored because he's a professional musician & even though I played percussion in school, he may have more rythm than I.

Friday, February 24, 2006

State hoops, more

I got a rare treat last weekend - State played Ole Miss in hoops televised on ESPN Classic. It was some sort of promotional deal where the SEC wore "throw back" jerseys & ESPN Classic showed some games. Pretty lame idea, except I got to see the alma mater live!

It had been a hellacious end to the week - 2 sick kids home Thursday with the wife, I took Friday off with same 2 sick kids + a trip to the doctor. Then, the wife had a work event Friday evening, so I had been "on" for close to 24 hours straight. She took the kids to see her mother Saturday afternoon, leaving me alone to watch the game.

The Bulldogs completely dismantled the Rebels by 29 points. It was actually a little worse than that. State led by 30+ the entire 2nd half. One Clarion-Ledger columnist pointed to the death of the brother of an Ole Mis player as the reason they came out flat. I didn't know this before the game, so I spent the entire 2nd half watching closely to figure out if State had turned a corner or Ole Miss was flat or really that bad. I decided that State had turned a corner - few turnovers, tough defense, good rebounding, good shot selection against a tough defense, etc.

To quote Lee Corso, not so fast my friend. Played at Auburn Wednesday night & trailed by 20 early in the 2nd half. Tried to come back & lost by 4. This is a "what the?" moment. In the SEC West, it seems to me, State, Ole Miss & Auburn have been essentially interchangeable all season. If State comes out & is 29 better than Ole Miss, hitting on all cylinders, why are they essentially 20 worse than Auburn 4 days later?

I live in Univ of Maryland country. It seems like half my office are Maryland grads. This Wednesday, they lost at Fla St by 9. You would have thought they lost to a girl's school. The same coach who delivered a National Championship a few years ago & umpteen straight NCAA tournament appearances is no good & should be fired!

This has been an interesting year for both Maryland & State. Maryland has better athletes, but are 16-10 & 6-7 in the ACC. State is 13-13 & 3-10 in the SEC. The difference is probably the coach & these idiots at work want to get rid of Gary Williams?!?!?! I posed the question to a couple of them - fine, fire Gary, then who do you hire? I grew up in Fayetteville, AR & had this same argument recently with my sister. Fire Stan Heath, Arkansas' coach, & hire who? Neither of these groups had a viable answer. My sister got closest, Mark Few from Gonzaga. Yeah, Gonzaga is a better job right now, but Arkansas can offer hella lot more money. The Maryland fools came up empty with a replacement! They point to how Coach K worked under Bobby Knight and Roy Williams worked under Dean Smith. I said fine, hire Coach K's top assistant & take a chance. They didn't like that idea.

Rick Stansbury was an assistant at State for years before taking over the top job 7 or 8 years ago. He was a stud recruiter who is primarily responsible for State's success. This is the first time he's had such a young and small team. Did he turn recruiting over to the wrong guy? Did all the "graduations" & transfers hurt more than we thought they would? Who knows. He was my guy 8 years ago & he's still my guy today.

Maryland folks are speculating whether they make the big dance or not. I say no, but know they probably will, on the coattails of the National Championship & Gary's resume. That's what Gary brings to the table. Meanwhile, State closes out with Georgia, @ Arkansas and Alabama. I see 1-2 or maybe 0-3. We're not even going NIT this year, so why are Terps complaining?

I need to call my Philly boy Jack, the La Salle grad, to actually watch some games this year, instead of just talking about it!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Great Schism

I did it - I created new blog called "The Accidental Leader" for all the CSI stuff. Unfortunately, it'll probably have the twice or thrice the posts that this one will, but stay tuned!

Or if you like the CSI stuff, go to

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Big Split

I should be typing meeting minutes right now - I had a consultant meeting Monday and then an owner's meeting on Tuesday. I need to do both minutes today. However, I keep going back to look at past blog posts. Should I separate this into 2 blogs - one about CSI & the coming year and another about being a Father, Husband, Architect? I'm leaning toward the split right now. I wonder if I can easily copy posts over from this one to a new one?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Photo testing

Some recent family photos....

Our 1 yr old enjoying his cake

My lovely wife & our youngest son

Big brother & big sister helping with birthday presents

Bid Opening Results

I'm sure you're all sitting on the edge of your seats - the bid opening went VERY well yesterday! We had 5 bidders and 2 were under $7M so it looks like the University can award the Contract and start construction!

The only hitch is the site will not be ready until sometime at the end of March. We had massive amounts of rock to blast out & that Contractor is about 50% through.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Bid Openings

Bids are due today for a building I was thrown into. I joined my firm this past October and the drawings for this building were about 35% complete. I lead a team to complete the drawings by December in order for the bids to be due by the end of January. Due to some site work issues, we delayed the bid due date to today. This is a dysfunctional team and a dysfunctional project. The budget is $7M and I am not hopeful that we'll hit that number today.

For those who don't know the design & construction process, the Architects, Engineers and other designers design the building and its systems and then produce drawings and specifications to tell the building contractors how to build it. The traditional method is called "design-bid-build" in that the Architect's team designs it, a group of contractors prepare bids or the amount of money each requires to build the building, and then the firm requiring the lowest amount of money gets to build the building for that amount. That's how this project will be delivered, so the bids are due today.

I love bid openings because of what contractors put themselves through. I began my career in Mississippi, where all projects with public funding are administered by the State Bureau of Buildings. Their offices are in the big State office building in downtown Jackson, the capitol. Regardless of where the project is to be built, bids are recieved and opened in Jackson.

To get to the Bureau's offices, you stepped off the elevators into a large lobby. At one end of the lobby is a pair of dark-stained wooden doors with no windows. Those lead into the Bureau's reception area. The bids are due at 2:00 PM precisely on either a Tuesday or a Thursday, never any other day or at any other time. Bid are delivered to the reception desk where they are date & time stamped. Off to one side is the large conference room where the bids are publicly opened.

I frequently attended the bid openings and enjoyed one for a project with an $8M budget. On this bid day, a particular contractor that my boss knew well had sent his son to the bid opening. His son, probably just under 30 years old at the time, was learning the ropes from his old man. As my boss & I got off the elevator, the son was in a corner of the elevator lobby having a heated conversation with the father via cell phone. Finally, he put the phone down, walked over and asked us the budget for the job. My boss played his hand by saying "7 and 1/2 million." The kid gets back on the phone & relays this information. Instantly, he starts yelling, "NO! I'm NOT going to f-ing do that!" This exchange goes on for several minutes with several other profanities as 2:00 PM approached. Finally, the kid writes something on the bid form, seals the envelope & turns it in. When the bids are opened, his price was $7,100,000 and he wasn't even the low bidder!

More days in Paradise

Had a crazy weekend with both boys' birthday parties & my sister in town. To top it off, our van wouldn't start on Sunday morning. I diagnosed it as the starter, wrestled the old one off, put a new one on & it didn't work. Then, we lost some of the dashboard lights, so I gave up. After dropping my sis off at the airport, I rented a Taurus, since I drive a Ford Ranger pickup that only fits myself & 2 kids.

Had the van towed yesterday, locked myself out of the house, kicked in the back door & broke the front door lock. Bad day. The dealership called & said the van needed a new starter. I said no way, that one is brand new. I went & picked up the starter from the dealer & took it back to the parts store. The kid tested it - bad starter. Dad says that's fairly common with starters, he doesn't know why. Parts store gave me my $150 back, so I called the Ford dealer this morning & said put a new one on. That way, its his deal if its a bad starter or it doesn't fix the problem, etc, there's no finger pointing about where the starter came from & who "owns" it.

Took over control of the CSI Chapter web site yesterday. Don't have a lot of confidence in the guy I took it from. He used some strange ftp method of uploading. I tried it last night & it seemed to work. Problem is, I altered his "index.html" file & reuploaded it. The edited info came up like its supposed to, but I lost some of the background graphics! Very strange.... Should be exciting in the coming weeks as I become Web Master. My wife looks to be a HUGE help with it, as usual.

Spoke to the President. He's starting to get nominations in order for next FY. We're supposed to notify the Institute by the end of April as to next year's officers. He shares my concern that the 1st VP won't move up. I told him, after the last discussion I had with her, she can't decide, so if we let her, she'll take til June to decide. Pres said that's not acceptable, so we'll push her to make a decision in February. I suspect, I'll be President next year. Hence, one reason I started this blog.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Another day in Paradise

My sister flies in from Arkansas today for the boys' birthday parties. My oldest son's birthday is January 9. On alternating years we seem to get his party close to the day. That was last year. This year, his party is February 4. My youngest son's birthday was February 1, so we're hitting his the weekend following the day.

This week has been a lot of house work. We're not the neatest people in the world, plus with both my wife & I working full time & handling the 3 kids, housework is an afterthought. We did it a little better this time, by 11 o'clock last night, I was vacuuming & that was pretty much the end. Then, the belt on the vacuum broke! Before going to the airport today, I get to stop by Sears, get a belt & hopefully finish vacuuming. Oh, that's after picking the kids up because they have noon dismissal from school today.

But, we get up this morning & find concrete in the bottom of both upstairs toilets. My wife had bought this bleach powder to help clean the toilets. In the past, she's dumped a bunch in, it scrubs all night, you flush in the morning, done, clean toilets. This time, for whatever reason, the stuff set up like concrete in the bottom of the bowl. So, before showering & dressing, I had to take screw driver & hammer & beat the stuff out of the bottom of the toilet!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

State Hoops

I am an alumnus of Mississippi State University and I grew up in Fayetteville, AR, home of the University of Arkansas Razorbacks. My parents are not sports fans by any stretch. Dad used to watch baseball occasionally, having grown up listening the St. Louis Cardinals games on a transistor. We always followed Razorback basketball. I can still remember several exciting games in the NCAA Tourney with Sidney Moncrief and the crew. There's also the matter of Larry Bird almost single-handedly beating Arkansas on the way to his National Championship.

When I arrived at State in the late '80's, our hoops team wasn't that good & student tickets were FREE! As my college career went on, the team got better, but the tickets were still free. I can probably count the number of home games I MISSED on one hand, the entire 4 years I lived on campus. I did happen to miss one memorable 4 overtime game against Ole Miss because I had a project due.

This year, our team once again is not very good. I can't quite put my fingers on it, but an SEC season-opening win against Arkansas has been followed by 7 straight SEC losses, 6 by double digits. We're a young team, I get that, I think we start 4 freshman. At some point though, these kids have to grow up & have some self-respect and actually beat a team. 1-6 Auburn visits "The Hump" on Saturday. Let's hope we can get the job done then, but somehow, I am not optimistic. I can usually sense when I team is on the cusp on doing something, and I don't get that vibe here.

I love college basketball season, but there's not much joy in Mudville this year for State fans. I have a trip to Vegas scheduled for Final Four weekend, but we're coming back Saturday, so I'll miss those 2 games & won't be able to bet on them! Not that I'd put a ton down, anyway, but still!

I guess there's always next year when our 4 freshman are 4 sophomores...

Monday, January 30, 2006

Circular toddler logic

Yesterday was Sunday, so we went to our usual 9:30 AM Mass. This Mass is held in the "lower church" or the former parish hall fitted out with altar & folding metal chairs for Mass. We like it because the Contemporary Folk Group provides the music & they are fantastic.

Anyway, the space utilizes a more contemporary 3-sided seating design - there are 5 rows with a center aisle directly in front of the altar & then 7 more rows perpendicular to the altar on each side. There are also traditional wood pews against each wall. Between the seating arrangement & dodging various columns, there are triangular shaped areas of no seating at the intersection of both perpendicular sections with the center portion.

Mass has been a treat since my youngest, who turns 1 this week, began to crawl & now walk, instead of sleeping through Mass. Yesterday, he had a sippy cup with him. This particular cup design is fatter at the top than the bottom. Therefore, if you lay it on its side & bump it, it will roll in circle about 3' in diameter. This is the game the baby was playing yesterday at Mass. We were sitting near one of the triangular open areas on a pew. He was crawling fairly freely in the open area. At first, he merely bumped the cup & it, of course, rolled away from him. After a couple of times of this, he figured out what was going on & then it became a game to him to make the cup roll away so he could crawl after it!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Proud parenting moment or what the ????

My 6 year old son's birthday is January 9 - right on the heels of all the holiday madness. As he's gotten older, its been more & more difficult to execute a party anywhere near his actual birthday. We always celebrate it on the day - whatever he wants for breakfast & dinner, open his presents, cake, etc. This year, I took him to Arenacross the weekend after his birthday. Couple years ago, we had a party with his friends from pre-school in March. Had a blast, but got funny looks from parents when they asked what day his birthday is & we answered January 9th!

He's been wish-washy this year about where to have the party, flip-flopping between a volunteer fire house, Chuck E. Cheese's and a gymnastics gym where he had it last year. He finally decided on the gym & my wife & he made out the guest list last night. He has invited 3 of his older sister's friends who happen to have younger brothers -2 of which aren't in his grade, but are a year older. This has caused a numbers problems & he has stuck to his sister's friends over several friends from his own school! Proud parenting moment or what they heck is he thinking?

Monday, January 23, 2006


I like Country music for a number of reasons. First, most of it has an honesty that you don't find in a lot of other music. I mean what's honest about rapping about the N word & degrading women? What's honest about singing about partying & drugging which is what rock stars are supposed to do? Hey, I grew up on Van Halen, but as a 35 year old, its not the same.

Phil Vasser sings a song "Just Another Day in Paradise" about getting the milk out & its sour, the washing machine breaking, being late for work, the kids having nightmares. That's been my life lately, but I would not change one thing. I have a beautiful, funny & intelligent 9 year old daughter, a funny, sly and smart 6 year old son & a handsome and charming 1 year old son.

Its the baby that's been a challenge lately. He's been to the doctor 3 times in 2 weeks. With the other 2, the first winter was always the worst. He's had 2 ear infections & a case of bronchiolitis in the last 2 weeks. We picked him up early from day care Friday with a fever. My wife had a meeting Saturday morning , so I was at the pediatrician's with him at 9. That was an adventure in itself. I had to call for an appointment starting at 8:30. The nurse asked how soon could I get there? At 8:35, my daughter is the only one dressed & we live a solid 25 minutes away. I gambled & said we'd be there by 9!

Its funny, several people saw me, the only adult with 3 kids & commented on me having a "hand full." And the big kids were being PERFECT. They were playing & laughing & taking care of themselves. And helping with the baby when I asked. According to my wife, no one has EVER said that to her! Is it a hand full if its a dad & 3 kids, but normal for a mom to have the 3 by herself? That makes no sense to me. I mean, if my wife has something going on, either personal or professional, I don't "babysit," I take care of my children. What century is this?

Anyway, the scary part for the baby is its the end of January & in Baltimore its one of the warmest January's on record. How bad is February & March going to be?!?! His older bro was one ear infection away from tubes. The dr told us one more & then April arrived & he hasn't had one since. Do I get to spend part of March in the hospital while the baby has tubes in? I hope not!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Musings on the Nature of the Volunteer

I feel that volunteering some of your spare time is an important way to give back to your community the blessings that you have recieved from God.

I volunteer my spare time in a number of significant ways. I coach soccer and until this year basketball. It started with my daughter's teams at school. When my oldest son started Pre-K, I coached his Friday night soccer clinic for 2 years.

In the past, I was involved in Habitat for Humanity. More recently, I particpate in Rebuilding Together, Baltimore (used to be called Christmas in April). These great charities help provide shelter to the needy. The last Saturday in April is Rebuilding Together. My CSI chapter goes to one needy persons house, usually an elderly person, and performs minor home repair and maintenance.

My CSI Chapter itself is a volunteer organization. I've served as chair of a couple of committees, a director and now 2nd Vice President.

At our parish, we have a new Pastoral LIfe Director. We were without a pastor (priest) for several months before the Archidiocese assigned a lay woman to be our PLD. She is WONDERFUL and has done many good things for the parish.

However, I've been watching from the outside some troubling developments with the Buildings and Grounds Committee. This is a governance committee charged with overseeing the Church, Rectory and School property. The chair is not so much a friend as an acquaintence of mine - former fire fighter, now a sprinkler inspector. Seems to know a lot about buildings and construction. Last fall I reached out to him because I had been asked by separate parties to help prepare some documents in pursuit of grant money to repair/replace restroom facilities at the school. The chair, let's call him Barry, had been looking for an Architect for the committee, so I volunteered. The holidays prevented me from attending a single meeting.

Beginning in January, Barry began a fierce e-mail writing campaign, railing against the PLD, Parish and School for being non-communicative and obstructionist to his goals and the committee's work. Like many things, I saw the truth to lie somewhere to the left of his claims. He and I had disagreed on some security issues earlier in the fall, so I knew chances were good he was being unreasonable. I mentioned to a friend of mine, also very active in parish community, this campaign. My friend went to the PLD, and today, Barry resigned as chair of the committee, taking some harsh parting shots on his way out the door.

Now, 6 pages later, I get to my musings - I think one of the most difficult things to do is to get people to dedicate their energies and intellect to their volunteer activities. Many of us with education, who perform professional services 5 days a week for pay, either refuse or simply do not bring the same rigor of thought and action to our volunteer activities. For example, with our CSI Chapter, many of our members hide behind work travel, work hours or work stress for not getting even the most basic tasks performed for the chapter's good. In the past, I have been guilty of this, but have tried to change my ways.

By rigor of thought and action, I mean preparing an agenda for a meeting. I can't tell you how many meetings, Board or committee, I've attended where the meeting ebbed and flowed and rambled on with seemingly no agenda or pathway. This leads to a.) boring meetings b.) long meetings and c.) participants making excuses for not attending. I would never plan and organize a meeting for my job without agenda, time length, course of actions, decisions needing to be made, etc. Why would you not do the same for a volunteer organization where you're spending your free time, not your paid time?

Secondly, how do you convince people to pour their hearts into something and not have them crushed if things don't go well? I guess this point is mostly moot, as most well adjusted adults wouldn't let this happen to them.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

New Territory

I asked my daughter, who's 9, if she knew what a blog is or anyone who has a blog last night. She sort of knew what it is, but didn't know anyone who has one. I've been thinking about starting one for sometime, but really decided to do it this morning while driving to work. I haven't told my daughter or wife I'm doing it. I'll see how it goes & then maybe let them in on it.

I named my blog Father, Husband, Architect because these are the things that define me right now. I have 3 wonderful children, a beautiful & loving wife and I am an Architect. Not the silly software engineer type, but the artist who builds buildings. My children like to tell me I don't really build the buildings, I only draw them. I don't really see it that way...

Lately, my life has seen some interesting twists. I hope to use this blog as something of a journal to help work through some of the issues in my life. A little over 1-1/2 years ago, we found out my wife was expecting our 3rd child. A shock to say the least. Since then, my job has gone away, so I changed firms. I coach soccer, but was excluded from coaching basketball this season by a mean-spirited mother who wanted it all her way. Had some issues with my new job that seem to have straightened out & now I find myself 2nd Vice-President of a professional organization I belong to. The 1st VP has informed me that she cannot step up to President next FY, which means I'll probably end up doing it. That's a small taste of what you'll be reading, should this not bore you too much and you decide to stay tuned. I'll also mix in some sports, politics and other topics.